
Weekly Stats July 12 2011

These are the weekly Muon1 stats for the past week, covering July 5 - July 12 2011

25,491 Trillion Particle timesteps overall (+141T over the past week)
Linac900Ext10td2 is at 3.113598%, found by [DPC] Team ColdFusion~ironbiter, no increase in the last week
Linac900Ext6Xc2 is at 3.858423%, found by a Boinc Wrapper Client - no increase in the last week

Linac900Ext10tc2 is at -0.683166, found by ktetch
Linac900Ext6X is at -1.863604, found by ktetch

The weekly average is up, at just over 20MPTS/day. Great!
10td2 is now at a standstill, it's last increase a week ago, right before the previous stats report (which can be read on the facebook page)

6Xc2 hasn't had an increase since sometime in mid-June (between the 14th and 21st) and so is fairly static.

Both of these lattices have now been closed, and been replaced by new lattices (10tc2 and 6X), which are variations on the designs.

Both 10tc2 and 6X have low scores, because they've just been launched, which is why I've got the top scores so far. When the more powerful machines pick up to it, then it'll grow much faster.

But please, let's not get stuck in local maximums again, so DO NOT SEED these new designs. Let's see how far it works itself out, and THEN seed if needed.

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